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Frequently Asked Questions
Q. 1) Explain the concept of normalization in databases. Describe the steps to convert a relation to BCNF with examples.
Normalization organizes data to reduce redundancy. Steps to convert to BCNF: 1NF: Ensure atomic values. 2NF: Remove partial dependencies (attributes depend on the whole primary key). 3NF: Remove transitive dependencies (non-prime attributes depend on other non-prime attributes). BCNF: Every functional dependency's determinant must be a superkey. Example: Split a table where Instructor depends on Course into two tables to satisfy BCNF.
Q. 2) Explain the process of converting an infix expression to postfix notation using a stack. Provide an algorithm and solve an example.
Initialize an empty stack. Read expression left to right. Add operands to output. Push operators to stack, respecting precedence. Pop operators from stack when encountering a closing parenthesis. Example: (A + B) * C → A B + C *
Q. 3) Explain the Rankine cycle with the help of a P-V and T-S diagram. Derive expressions for its efficiency.
The Rankine cycle consists of four stages: Compression: Water is pumped to high pressure. Heat Addition: Water turns to steam in the boiler. Expansion: Steam expands in a turbine. Heat Rejection: Steam condenses back to water. Efficiency: ???? = 1 − ???? out ???? in η=1− Q in Q out
Q. 4) Which register is used for status and CPU control information?
The Status Register (also called the Flags Register) holds CPU control and status flags like carry, zero, and overflow
Q. 5) What is the difference between stack-based and register-based instruction execution? Illustrate the execution of a simple arithmetic operation using both approaches in assembly language.
Stack-Based: Operands are pushed/popped from the stack. Register-Based: Operands are stored in CPU registers. In stack-based, operations use the stack; in register-based, registers directly hold operands.
Q. 6) Can you write an assembly program for a CPU that supports 8-bit registers to compute the factorial of a number using recursion? Explain the use of stack and registers in your solution.
Using the stack, each recursive call pushes the current state onto the stack. Registers hold intermediate results. The stack is used for function calls and returns.
Q. 7) What are flags in a CPU? Write an assembly program to demonstrate the use of the zero and carry flags in a subtraction operation.
Flags are bits in the CPU that indicate conditions like zero, carry, or overflow. Example: Use the zero flag to check if the result of a subtraction is zero and the carry flag for borrow detection.
Q. 8) How are interrupts handled in assembly language? Write an assembly program to demonstrate the use of software interrupts to print a string.
-Interrupts allow the CPU to respond to events. In assembly, a software interrupt can trigger system calls, like printing a string.
Q. 9) Can you write an assembly program to implement a simple bubble sort algorithm? Analyze the performance in terms of the number of instructions executed.
A simple bubble sort swaps adjacent elements. Performance depends on the number of iterations and comparisons made, typically O(n^2).
Q. 10) How does a CPU execute a system call in assembly language? Write a program that demonstrates opening a file using a system call.
-A system call is executed to perform tasks like file operations. Example: Opening a file via a system call using interrupt instructions.
Q. 11) What is the difference between RISC and CISC architectures? Compare their impact on assembly programming with examples of instructions from each type.
RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) uses simpler, fewer instructions. CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) has more complex instructions. In assembly, RISC has simpler, more uniform instructions, while CISC uses fewer lines but more complex instructions.
Q. 12) How does branch prediction in modern CPUs help in reducing pipeline stalls? Provide an example of how a mispredicted branch can affect execution.
Branch prediction reduces delays from pipeline stalls by guessing the next instruction. A mispredicted branch wastes CPU cycles and causes delays.
Q. 13) Describe how instruction-level parallelism (ILP) is achieved in modern CPUs. Provide an example of assembly code that benefits from ILP.
ILP allows multiple instructions to be executed in parallel. Assembly code can benefit from ILP when independent instructions are executed simultaneously.
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