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Q. 1) Estimate the disk-IO cost for the nested loop join of relations R and S, where R has 5,000 tuples with 10 tuples per block, and S has 2,000 tuples with 5 tuples per block. Assume the main memory buffer has 12 blocks.
Q. 2) Compute the optimal disk-IO cost for a sort-merge join of P and Q, given that P has 10,000 tuples with 50 tuples per block and Q has 6,000 tuples with 20 tuples per block. Assume both relations are unsorted initially, and the memory buffer is 25 blocks.
Q. 3) Determine the IO cost for a hash join of R and S, where R contains 15,000 tuples with 30 tuples per block, and S contains 8,000 tuples with 40 tuples per block. The available memory buffer size is 40 blocks.
Q. 4) For a block nested loop join, estimate the total disk IO cost of joining relations R and T, where R has 8,000 tuples with 40 tuples per block, and T has 12,000 tuples with 30 tuples per block. Assume the memory buffer size is 15 blocks.
Q. 5) Calculate the IO cost for a sort-merge join, where R has 7,500 tuples stored with 25 tuples per block, and S has 10,000 tuples stored with 50 tuples per block. Assume the memory buffer size is 30 blocks, and both relations are unsorted.
Q. 6) For a hash join, compute the disk-IO cost of joining relations A and B, where A has 20,000 tuples with 50 tuples per block, and B has 25,000 tuples with 25 tuples per block. Assume the main memory buffer has 50 blocks.
Q. 7) Compute the cost of performing a merge join of P and Q, assuming P is already sorted, but Q needs to be sorted. P contains 9,000 tuples with 30 tuples per block, and Q contains 4,000 tuples with 20 tuples per block. The memory buffer size is 20 blocks.
Q. 8) Estimate the IO cost of a block nested loop join, where relation R has 10,000 tuples stored with 25 tuples per block, and S has 20,000 tuples stored with 50 tuples per block. Assume the memory buffer size is 10 blocks.
Q. 9) For a partitioned hash join, determine the disk-IO cost for relations R and S, where R has 12,000 tuples with 40 tuples per block, and S has 18,000 tuples with 30 tuples per block. The memory buffer size is 25 blocks.
Q. 10) Compute the cost of a sort-merge join, where R has 6,000 tuples stored with 20 tuples per block, and S has 9,000 tuples stored with 30 tuples per block. Both relations are unsorted, and the memory buffer size is 16 blocks.
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