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Computer Organisation And Architecture Homework Help |

Computer Organisation And Architecture Assignment Help

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. 1)    If a vector processor supports chaining and each stage of the pipeline (load, multiply, add) takes 10 cycles, how many cycles are required to process a vector of length 64 a. 74 cycles b. 128 cycles c. 83 cycles d. 100 cycles

Q. 2)    A processor with a clock speed of 2 GHz accesses main memory in 100 ns but cache memory in 2 ns. Calculate the effective access time if the hit ratio is 90%. a. 10.8 ns b. 12.0 ns c. 20 ns d. 8.8 ns

Q. 3)    If a processor executes 10 billion instructions in 5 seconds and has a CPI (Cycles Per Instruction) of 2, what is its clock speed? a. 1 GHz b. 2 GHz c. 4 GHz d. 5 GHz

Q. 4)    A pipelined processor has 5 stages with an instruction latency of 10 cycles. If there are no stalls, how many instructions can the pipeline execute in 100 cycles?a. 20 b. 95 c. 100 d. 105

Q. 5)    A system’s performance is improved by 20% using a parallel processing technique on 50% of the code. What is the overall speedup? a. 1.25 b. 1.12 c. 1.14 d. 1.05

Q. 6)    A DMA controller transfers 512 bytes of data at a speed of 2 MBps. How long does the transfer take in microseconds? a. 128 µs b. 256 µs c. 512 µs d. 1 ms

Q. 7)    If the page fault penalty is 1 ms, memory access time is 100 ns, and the effective memory access time is 200 ns, calculate the page fault rate. a. 0.00001 b. 0.00002 c. 0.0001 d. 0.0002

Q. 8)    Assume a kernel is launched with 256 thread blocks, each containing 1024 threads. A shared memory variable is declared within the kernel. How many unique instances of this variable will exist during the kernel execution? a. 256 b. 1024 c. 256000 d. 1

Q. 9)    A kernel reads 4 bytes of global memory per thread. If it is launched with 512 threads per block and 64 blocks, how much global memory is read in total? a. 128 KB b. 256 KB c. 512 KB d. 1 MB

Q. 10)    In shared memory, if 16 threads in a warp access the same memory bank simultaneously, how many memory transactions will occur? a. 1 b. 16 c. 32 d. 64

Q. 11)    A kernel uses __syncthreads() to synchronize threads. If each block contains 256 threads and there are 64 blocks, how many synchronizations will occur during a single call to __syncthreads() ? a. 256 b. 64 c. 320 d. 1

Q. 12)    If accessing global memory takes 400 cycles and shared memory takes 4 cycles, what is the speedup achieved by using shared memory instead of global memory? a. 10x b. 50x c. 100x d. 400x

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