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Formal Language Automata Homework Help |

Formal Language Automata Assignment Help

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. 1)    what is changing one requirement while taking into account competing requirements? A. Software feasibility; B. Software consistency; C. Software Maintainability D. Software Stability

Q. 2)    What is the process of assessing the impact of a proposed change to a software system while considering potential ripple effects?A. Software Modifiability B. Impact Analysis C. Code Refactoring  D. Software Scalability

Q. 3)    What term refers to the ability of software to adapt to changes in requirements without extensive rework? A. Software Scalability B. Software Flexibility C. Software Integrity D. Software Stability.

Q. 4)    What is the process of ensuring a software system continues to function correctly after modifications? A. Regression Testing B. Unit Testing C. Integration Testing D. Usability Testing

Q. 5)    What describes a software system's ability to perform well under increasing workloads?A. Software Reliability B. Software Efficiency C. Software Scalability D. Software Portability.

Q. 6)    What refers to the ease with which a software system can be transferred to a different environment? A. Software Maintainability B. Software Portability C. Software Feasibility D. Software Adaptability

Q. 7)    Which software quality attribute ensures that different components of a system function as a unified whole? A. Software Modularity B. Software Compatibility C. Software Interoperability D. Software Usability

Q. 8)    NFA to DFA Conversion [8 points] Convert the following NFA to an equivalent DFA which decides the same language: 0,1,2,3 0,1,2,3 B 3 E

Q. 9)    Convert the following NFA to an equivalent DFA that accepts the same language:The NFA has four states: {A, B, C, D}.Start State: A Accepting State: D Alphabet: {0, 1} From state A: On input 0, transition to states A and B; on input 1, transition to state A. From state B: On input 0, transition to state C; on input 1, transition to state B. From state C: On input 0, transition to state D; on input 1, no transition. From state D: On input 0, no transition; on input 1, transition to state C. construct the equivalent DFA by deriving its states and transitions. Specify the DFA's start state and accepting states.

Q. 10)    The NFA described below must be converted to its equivalent DFA: States: {U, V, W} Start State: U Accepting States: {V} Alphabet: {a, b} From state U: 1. On input a, transition to states U and V; on input b, transition to state W. 2. From state V: On input a, no transition; on input b, transition to state U.3. From state W: On input a, transition to state V; on input b, no transition. Task 1. Find the equivalent DFA. 2. Indicate the start and accepting states.

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